
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Understanding Of The World Wide Web and Who Started The Phrase World Wide Web

In this article I'm going to address two related questions I've gotten: "what is a definition of the world wide web" and "who started the phrase world wide web".

First off, let me give you a definition of the World Wide Web -- which these days is usually just called The Web.

The Web is made up of millions and millions of pages of information that are linked together across the globe.

When you look at a web page, which you're probably doing right now (unless you're reading this in my free email newsletter and not on my archive of my computer articles, or on one of the free article sites I've submitted the article to) you'll find that the page has "links" that you click on to take you to different pages.

If you could see a picture of all of the web pages on the Internet, you could imagine that it might look like a spider web, with many strands connecting one point to another.

This is just how a guy named Tim Berners-Lee imagined it when he came up with the phrase World Wide Web. The links are the strands, and the web pages are the points where the strands come together.

Tim Berners-Lee, with help from a man named Robert Cailliau, created the Web based on something called "hypertext".

Hypertext was an idea where you could have "hyperlinks" (which we now just call "links") that would allow you to read information and easily move between related topics.

So if you were reading about, for example, the first printing press, the Gutenberg Bible would probably be mentioned because it's one of the best-known books to be printed on the first printing presses.

With hypertext, when you saw the words Gutenberg Bible, they would be a link to an article that would go into more detail about that book.

Berners-Lee wanted to bring this idea to the Internet, allowing people to "browse" around, using these links to move from one place to another.

Before this, you had to go to a specific address, then go to another specific address, and not browse the way we are used to today.

And as you've probably guessed by now, Berners-Lee was the person who started the phrase World Wide Web in the first place.

So another way to explain what is a definition of the World Wide Web is a way of looking at the Internet as a series of "pages" of information -- words, pictures, sounds, or video -- that link from one to another to another, forming a giant "web" of information that covers and connects the world.

One more point, to clarify a common misunderstanding. The Web is *part* of the Internet, just like email is *part* of the Internet -- a lot of people think the Internet is exactly the same thing as the Web, and that email is somehow completely separate from the Internet. This is not the case.

I have another article, available by clicking the following link, which explains the computer terms Internet and email if you need more help on those computer terms.

Worth Godwin is a computer coach with a dozen years' experience helping computer users of all levels, and has also worked for many years "in the trenches" as a hardware and software tech, solving real-world computer problems.

Worth has also been studying the human mind, and how people learn, since the early 1990s. He draws upon all of this, and his English and writing degrees, to teach people in a unique way with explanations that really make sense.

Worth has put together a very simple system to learn computer basics for both Apple Mac computers, and Windows computers. Visit his website for more information, & testimonials from happy clients.

The Backup Software of Website

A lot of businesses today depend on their web representation. No matter what kind of occupation you are in, in the world of quick information, your website is the foundation upon which your business is based and developed. Even a short server downtime can cost you thousands of dollars not to mention longer periods of downtime which can leave you totally out of operation. And how about complete data loss as a result of hardware failure or natural disasters like flood or fire? If something like this happens, you will have to start everything from scratch. Altogether not a very good prospect, huh?

All this stipulates the necessity for doing website backup. But is website backup a guarantee of safety? Yes, provided you do it correctly and regularly. First of all, you should pay specific attention to the choice of your backup software. Currently, there are many solutions on the market which may suit your purpose, but it makes sense to pick the most simple and reliable one.

A complicated interface is something to be avoided. Everything should be intuitively clear. It is good if the software has the option of scheduled backup, so you don't have to manually launch tasks. Among other useful options are file selection, data compression and encryption tools (preferably the 128-bit blowfish cipher).

Secondly, it may not be enough to just read the product specification on the developer's website. Don't purchase any software right away. Even if it is good value for its money, it may not suit your particular needs. Instead, make use of the free trial period (if there is no free trial, look for something else).

Also, make sure that the product is provided with a support service and try to find out beforehand how reliable this service is. For example, you may start with writing them a letter and telling them how you got interested in their product, and need to know if it can do this and that. Then see how long it will take them to get back to you and what they will write in reply. If it's a standard letter with just a product specification in it, the service is not very reliable. However, if the answer is more personal and tries to address your specific problem, it is probably trustworthy.

Additionally, find out if free updates are available to a specific version of the software that you are going to buy. Or how much it will cost you to upgrade to the newer version or another version. Plug-ins are also something to be looked into. Learn what plug-ins there are and what they are responsible for. Some software programs may not be fully functional without their plug-ins.

In short, any simple, yet reliable backup software with the option of full and incremental backup on a schedule with data encryption and compression will suffice to protect your website.

Alexander Golishev is a a copywriter for Novosoft LLC, software developer, with a great deal of expertise in data backup and recovery matters.

Check out this website backup software and see how you can easily back up your website with it!

Disk Fragmentation

Very few people turn a blind eye when they discover they have a disease. Armed with the best treatments available, they fight to eradicate their sickness in hopes of returning to good health. While we vigilantly utilize all our resources to combat such an attack, we often overlook the same approach when it comes to our computers.

Truth be told, all computers are carrying a disease. Of course a computers health and a person's health are two different things but that doesn't mean that we should take a different approach to fixing the problem. That approach is a proactive fight against whatever the ailment may be.

In the case of computer diseases, there are few more devastating than fragmentation. Caught early enough it can be a just a minor nuisance and easily handled, left untreated and it can cost you not only your hard drive, but everything on it.

Due to the manner in which a computer's operational system is constructed, fragmentation will invariably cause problems for those who choose not to recognize the warning signs. So what are the warning signs of fragmentation?

If it's taking along time for your computer to boot up, or your experiencing delays in retrieving documents, browsing the web, loading applications or accessing your email then chances are your hard drive has an excess of fragmented files.

These files are created through everyday use and often times go unnoticed. Your computer is constantly producing temporary and cached files that, when left unchecked, will cause your computer's speed to slow to a crawl before crashing all together. The speed of your computer is affected due to the manner in which it saves these files.

Because a computer doesn't really take organization into account when saving files your information is placed in any available space. A computer will save this information in a contiguous manner, leaving no room for additions to an existing file. When you do make changes to an existing file the computer will fill the space that it originally came from and then place the remaining pieces wherever it will fit.

This fragmenting of files is what causes your computer to slowdown. The next time you try to access that modified file your hard drive is forced to find all the pieces that make up that single file. Because your computer is constantly creating files this can easily lead to a hard drive being overrun with fragmentation.

Now for the solution to your disk fragmentation. It only makes since that if you have fragmented files you use defragmentation software to clean up the mess. By installing defragmentation software you can assure yourself of keeping your hard drive running at its optimal speed and ridding yourself of those delays.

Defrag software will not only reunite all the pieces of your fragmented files, but will also continue to ensure that files don't become fragmented. It really is as simple as stopping by your local computer retailer and picking up defragmentation software to prevent the spread of fragmentation.

There's no doubt that if you had a disease and it was as simple as stopping by the store one time to get the cure you would. Why not save yourself the hassle of dealing with a slow computer that will eventually crash and equip your computer with the necessary safeguards to prevent such an occurrence

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Shift+Delete button = Did I loss Everything Forever?

Organized thinking really means controlling thought reactions properly, and solving problems in the most efficient manner possible at the time. One important question to keep uppermost in your mind is: are you contributing towards the solution of a problem or are you becoming a part or cause of that problem.
To error is human. Man commits two types of errors: knowingly and accidentally. But in case of computer data loss occurs due to malfunctioning of hardware. During our life, we come across many problems related to missing, inaccessible and deleted data. Data is the lifeblood of an organization is lost due to Shift + Del Keys.
When the user deletes the file by using Shift +Del Key, It bypasses the Recycle Bin. When the user presses the Shift + Del Key combination in windows the expected behaviour is that you are deleting file or folder permanently without sending them Recycle Bin.
Whenever necessary, the user wants to retrieve the deleted data. To restore data from the Recycle Bin is an important tool in the hands of the user. But after pressing Shift + Delete key, it becomes difficult on the part of the user to find out the required data stored in the drive by the user.
Really, windows do not remove the deleted files; they remain and kept in a hidden area on the hard drive. Naturally, in a computer system data is arranged in a cluster on the drive. The above given command renders the data irretrievable since deleted file bypass the Recycle Bin and placed in a unspecified cluster. This accounts for lost, missing or inaccessible data since files thus saved are neither actually saved nor recoverable.
At this stage, the assistance of a “Data Recovery Software” can be helpful. We should know the “Recovery Utilities” and “Repair Utilities”. While Recover Utilities recover your lost data without repairing your disk, the repair utilities only repairs the disk and do not recover the data. Therefore as soon as you get the any hint of data loss, run for a “Software Recover Utility”. If you make mistake here, the missing data may be permanently lost due to overwriting of the usters.
Retrieval of data from the unspecified clusters is not possible without professional intervention. Without proper knowledge and choice of utilities can further increase the problem. Therefore always seek professional help. The Data Recovery Company assesses the damage to your data and suggests recovery methods accordingly. These software’s are available to undelete files from hard drive formatted on FAT 16, FAT32, NTFS and NTFS 5 file system.
Software can restore file from hard drive, floppy drive, Zip drive, Digital camera disk, USB drive, and any other storage device whose drive litter is displayed in “My Computer”.
“Stellar Phoenix Deleted File System” has a function that searches for deleted files on any version on windows including Win 98, Win Me, Win XP, Win NT, Win 2000, Win 2003 Server. “File Recovery Software” is the important software that allows the user to recover a file, undelete, unerase, and restore data deleted on NTFS or FAT partition.
To sum up, Shift + Delete Key is not a stumbling- block on the way of computer user. A layman can recover his accidentally deleted files. So thanks should be given to the Data Recovery and File Recovery System.

All About DSL

DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line. It is a service that makes the use of existing copper telephone wires for delivering data services at extremely fast speed rates. It does not hamper the existing telephone line. You can surf the Internet and talk on the phone, simultaneously.

DSL offers speeds that are around 5 to 25 times higher than a typical 56Kb dial-up connection. It is an always-on type of connection. This implies that websites would load quickly, downloads would be faster, buffering of videos would be fast and smooth and the domain of Online games would be illimitable.

Based on the types of service, DSL can be can be categorized in three divisions which are ASDL, IDSL and SDSL.

ADSL stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. It offers download speed of 1.5 Mbps and upload speed of 384 K. In order to acquire a ADSL connection, your location has to be within 3 miles of your local telephone office. Also, a DSL router is needed for this type of connection.

IDSL is a ISDN Digital Subscriber Line service which requires an ISDN router. It provides a connection speed of 144 K. in this type of connection distance is not a component to be considered.

SDSL means Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line. The speeds available under this type of DSL connection depends on the distance between your location and your local telephone office. The speed of downloads and uploads can go up to 1.1 Mbps.

a.Advantages of DSL

No installation of new wires is required. DSL uses the present telephone line to connect to the Internet. It provides extremely fast connection. Depending on the offer, you would not even have to pay for the DSL modem installation charges, since it is provided free by some of the companies on selection of the appropriate plan. The download rate is much higher in DSL connections. Many business organizations have gained the benefits of DSL. A DSL connection is very secure.

b.Disadvantages of DSL

The quality of your DSL connection depends on the distance between the DSL providers office and your location. Nearer you are, the better quality connection would you get. So, consumers located far from the local DSL office may face some trouble. DSL provide high speeds for downloading stuff but upload speeds are not that good.

c.DSL vs Cable Modems

The services provided through a cable modem can sometimes slow down or get hanged. It depends on the number of users accessing that particular service. But, in a DSL connection there is no such problem. The speed of DSL is consistent and high. This does not allow any kind of conjunction on the network. It provides more security than the cable modem connections. The popularity of DSL has risen to new heights which has resulted in disconnections and up gradations of the cable modem connections.

How to Make High Speed Internet Connection

Internet has almost become a lifeline for the new generation. Many businesses now depend entirely on the Internet. People residing in different parts of world are able to talk to each other via the medium of Internet. Video conferencing is a live example of it. Many marriages are also made with the help of the Internet. The list of benefits that Internet provides is limitless.

But, what would you do when you have a slow speed internet connection that takes a lot of time? That internet connection would simply be useless to you.

The speed at which you are connected to the Internet plays a very important role in enjoying the advantages offered by it. For example, suppose one of your relatives who is residing overseas, has sent you a holiday clip. Now, if your Internet speed is slow then first of all it would take a long time to load the mail website. Then you would enter your user name and password. It would again take extra time to verify it. Also, downloading the clip would be very slow, even if its size is very small. Overall, you can say that having a low speed Internet connection (dial-up connection) is not a good thing.

There are many choices available for a high speed Internet connection. DSL, Cable and Satellite are some of them. You can select the best one from them. Here are some of the common benefits that all these high speed Internet connections provide.

Viewing of streamlining clips or videos is very easy and fast in these connections. Dial-up connections may not even allow their access. * You can upload web pages and download any kind of information or software with more than twice the speed of dial-up connection. * Downloading of images and huge e-mail files can be done almost promptly. * High speed Internet connection has proven to be a boon for all businessmen. They can now access the world wide web within a few seconds. Their businesses have been highly benefited through efficient and quick video conferencing which would have been impossible in a slow dial-up connection. * For those people who work from home, a high speed Internet connection can assist them in increasing their overall work efficiency and output. * On a long term basis, the high speed Internet connection can prove to be highly economical.

DSL: The best choice for high speed internet connection Now-a-days, DSL has become the leading choice for a high speed Internet connection. DSL works on existing telephone lines. With a DSL connection you can browse the web and talk on the phone at the same time. Generally, a DSL connection requires a DSL router, a dedicated phone line and a network card or a modem for each system. The installation of DSL at your location is the responsibility of the service provider. Last but not the least, this high speed Internet connection is offered at very affordable prices.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Step by step improving your privacy on the Internet

The internet is full of tracker software and companies that want to know what you do on the world wide web, your boss could even use software to track what you do on your PC and you might get fired if they find out you have valuable unprotected information on your computer. Security is the first thing you need to think about when going online.

When you go online you get an ip address, this address is unique for your computer or server so they can trace the ip back to you.

One way to improve your privacy is to browse through a web proxy, there are a lot of fast free web proxies available, the proxies you can use with your browser locally are usually very slow. Proxies give you an other ip so they can't trace back to you but you still can download software that has spyware so this way is not very good if you want 100% privacy.

The best way to improve your privacy and security online is to buy a software package that erases every evidence of you on the web and also protects you against infected programs and companies that like to track you. Good products are hard to find and most of the time they are very expensive. But for me it is worth it, I do not want companies to know what I do on the web or let them find out which software I have installed. I tried to install a privacy software package and it seems to work very well, the speed of my computer improved by 50% also.

Evidence eraser is a good product to get 100% privacy online.